Spring Cleaning for Self-Publishers

SpringSpring is almost here (almost!) and if you’re thinking about a little spring cleaning, don’t forget your self-publishing program.

There’s no better time to organize your NOOK Book’s product page, a key marketing tool  that you should add to and update on an ongoing basis. Here are  three  easy steps to sprucing up your product page.


1. De-clutter: 

If you are frequently adding to and updating your product page, be sure to keep track of  seasonal and limited-time promotions. Did you run a special promotion for Valentine’s Day or offer a sale price with the launch of a new book in your series?  Now’s the time to  remove older messaging so your book description is always timely.


2. Refresh:

Have you published a new NOOK Book or received new reviews? Add this new information to your book description and author bio to help your readers learn more about your work.


3. Polish:

We frequently hear from bestselling self-publishers that one of the keys to their success is staying organized and that includes organizing the information you present to readers. If you’ve updated your product page over time with review quotes, blurbs, series lists and accolades, take a moment to re-organize these additions. An organized product page helps your future reader better understand why they should purchase your book.


One Comment

  1. Gail Delaney says:

    I am a publisher who uses Nook Press, and I have 400+ books. It takes so insanely long to navigate the site to update, I hesitate to do anything. One or two, fine… but I’m mired down by how long it takes for each ‘tab’ to submit so I can move on.

    The old PUBIT one page option was much faster and I saw everything at once.

    Can you get the site to speed up?