5 Facts About B&N Press Self-Publishing

Leverage the power of the nation’s largest book retailer when you publish and sell with Barnes & Noble Press. Track sales, earn more money, and reach millions of readers with our free self-publishing platform.

Independent publishing continues to offer more and more options to prospective publishers. B&N Press hopes to make what can be a confusing situation easier with our trusted 3rd party partnerships, guided tutorials and insightful tips.


Read our 5 facts about self-publishing with Barnes & Noble Press


1. Make More Money

Publish directly with Barnes & Noble Press to earn more in royalties. Exclusivity is not required and there are no hidden fees.  Earn a flat 70% off your list price in royalties when you publish your eBook on BN.com with B&N Press. You can also earn approximately twice as much publishing in print than publishing with a distributor. Additionally, by avoiding third party distributors and taking advantage of our competitive printing costs, you keep more money for yourself. Check out our royalty structure where you can see comparisons with other retailers and find more information on how much you can earn.


2. Easy eBook Upload & More Print Options

Publishing your eBook with Barnes & Noble Press is as easy as 1, 2, 3 and just as fast. With your files uploaded and your vendor profile approved, you can publish and sell your eBook within 72 hours and your print book within 96 hours.

Create beautiful print editions of your book in both paperback and hardcover. Sell your print books to Barnes & Noble readers or keep them personal. Our print books are also of professional quality using premium paper stock. Choose to print in full color or crisp black & white and order copies straight to your door.

3. Detailed Sales Reporting 

Our sales reporting suite is now optimized to let you see your earnings over time. Track sales of your eBooks and print books in one, easy-to-navigate place. We offer a number of in-depth reports that show earnings for the year, the month, or the week. And, take a quick glance at your sales with our daily graphs and stats.


4. Exclusive Marketing

We highlight both emerging and established B&N Press authors in our exclusive marketing opportunities. Reach half a million readers with our weekly genre and deals newsletters or see your book in our special collections that are cross-promoted on our blog and Facebook page. Your friends and fans can also order your print book from any B&N store across the country. The store will place an order and your book will ship directly to your readers.

5. Trusted 3rd Party Self-Publishing Services

Five Facts Banner

And that’s it! If you’re thinking about self-publishing your book, B&N Press makes it easy and profitable. Visit BNPress.com to get started today and follow us on Facebook for more information and resources.

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