Need a new look for summer?

Atlantis CollageHave you ever thought about changing your covers? We usually talk about how easy it is to change price, update your description with new review quotes, or  update the list of books in your series.

And covers? They’re easy, too.

Bestselling science fiction and thriller writer Bob Mayer is a self-publishing pro (he’s even got a book on how to become a successful author.) His bestselling Atlantis series recently got a sleek makeover.

Here’s what Bob had to say about giving his series a new look:

“One of the great aspects of digital books is that they can be updated and revised as needed; this includes the covers.

We repackaged the Atlantis books because we felt the covers needed to pop more.  Also, because I’m reigniting the series later this year by merging characters from other series into the world of Atlantis, including my Cellar Series (Bodyguard of Lies and Lost Girls).  As an indie author I have the freedom to update covers and creatively merge my worlds.  It’s a great time to be an author.”

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