Indie Author Spotlight: Bruce Hammack

As we step into 2024, we want to take this first month of the year to acknowledge the accomplishments of B&N Press author, Bruce Hammack. With a recent feature in the NOOK Free Friday promotion, it’s exciting to see how the promotion has given rise to new readership and discoverability.

Bruce Hammack is a seasoned mystery writer (a new book drops later this month!). Since joining B&N Press in 2021, Bruce has been steadily crafting stories that captivate readers. He fills his books with suspense, clever plotting, and a touch of old-world charm. Influenced by the golden age of detective fiction, Bruce brings a fresh perspective to the genre. Fans of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot will find themselves enthralled with the blend of traditional elements and contemporary flair. Characters are complex. The mysteries are layered.  And the narrative always stays one step ahead, hooking readers from the first page to the last.

With the NOOK Free Friday Promotion, readers have the chance to discover a new title and series every Friday without spending a dime. For indie authors like Bruce, this can be a gateway to a broader audience and increased visibility.

Facebook Post: Nothing takes a detective's mind off Christmas like a murder... MISTLETOE, MALICE AND MURDER by Bruce Hammack, Author takes readers on a wild sleigh ride of family secrets, suspects and clues! Download for FREE all weekend This success also reflects the growing influence of digital platforms in reshaping the publishing landscape. With NOOK, readers have the flexibility to carry an entire library in their pockets. And, with B&N Press, authors like Bruce can bring their works to a nationwide readership.

For readers who appreciate a good mystery and the artistry of a skilled storyteller, Bruce Hammack’s collection offers a delightful escape into the world of enigmatic puzzles and brilliant sleuths.

As we celebrate his achievements, we eagerly await the next installment of his mysteries. We are confident that Bruce Hammack’s writing will continue to captivate readers for a long time to come.

Congratulation Bruce!


About Bruce Hammack:

Being raised the son of an Air Force pilot instilled a love for travel in Bruce Hammack. This wanderlust resulted in exposure to interesting places and people that have a habit of showing up in his whodunits. At last count he’s lived in eighteen towns or cities across the U.S. and overseas.

Bruce’s first paid writing gig came in the tenth grade in the form of a twenty-five dollar savings bond. After waiting until the due-date of the civics assignment, he unsheathed his trusty blue Bic pen at first light and shot from the hip. The Lions Club of his small Texas town thought the essay deserved printing in the local newspaper. The English teacher that edited the winning essay is still shaking her head in disbelief.

After college and graduate school in the piney woods of east Texas, Bruce started his career in criminal justice with the Texas prison system. He had a series of mini-careers following early retirement, but published author is his hands-down favorite.

An avid Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes fan, Bruce firmly believes the world can’t have enough whodunits. When not writing, he enjoys travel, classic whodunits and a quiver full of children and grandchildren. He and his wife of thirty-plus years share their home in the Texas Hill Country with an aging gray cat with a missing front fang and a sketchy attitude.


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